Dear colleagues, we are glad to welcome you to the updated website of our Institute!

Get acquainted with the complex of educational programs and services of the Institute, as well as with the research carried out by our employees at the Scientific Center. In the News section you will find out about all the upcoming events, and in the Blog section you will find useful and interesting information.

We will be glad to see you at our Institute and cooperate!

The team of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business

News and Announcements

20 March 2021
June 23, 2021 IITB webinar
17 August 2020
The presentation of the educational center for robotization IITB will take place on September 23, 2020 during the Russian Week of Robotization.
17 August 2020
IITB will act as a partner of the Russian Robotics Week 2020. We invite you to take part in the forum and other events of the week.