Course duration - 5 days

The purpose of this course is to introduce and acquire basic knowledge and skills in operating industrial robots, using specialized software for designing and modeling robotic cells and complexes.

Course content:

  • Overview of industrial robots
    • Introduction to the main brands
    • Comparison, advantages, disadvantages
  • Overview of the main systems and functions of industrial robots
  • Overview of collaborative robots
    • Introduction to the main brands
    • Comparison, advantages, disadvantages
  • Overview of the main systems and functions of collaborative robots
  • Basics of programming robots of different brands
  • Overview of software tools for simulation modeling
    • Basic software for modeling technological processes
    • Opportunities
    • Comparison, advantages, disadvantages
  • Introduction to modeling
    • Basic approaches to simulation modeling
    • Setting the required parameters
    • Interaction of system elements
  • Ability to program robots offline
Course duration - 5 days

The target audience is managers and leading specialists of technological services, technologists, production managers, specialists in the organization of production

Course content:

  • Overview of the functionality of 3D digital simulation systems for production and technological processes
    • Introduction to the elements of the modeling environment
      • Basic software modules
      • Introduction to libraries
      • Available modeling tools
      • Basic principles of the program
  • Introduction to modeling
    • Basic approaches to simulation modeling
    • Setting the required parameters
    • Interaction of system elements
  • Practical development of skills of working with the system of digital technological design and CCI
    • Creating Digital Twins of production processes
    • Technological design in a Digital Twin environment
    • Labor and material rationing
    • Development of output technological documentation
    • Video and VR/AR instructions for the implementation
  • Integration of CCI systems with other IT systems of the enterprise
  • Configuring and administering CCI systems
  • Implementation of practical tasks for the development of technological processes in a digital environment
Course duration - 5 days


The target audience is top managers, directors and production managers, heads of production services

The purpose of this course is to get acquainted with the methodological approaches of digital planning, as well as to acquire key skills and skills of working with the production management system

Course content:

  • Modern standards and methodologies of production management. Classification and differences of production management systems (MOM, APS, MES, SCADA, etc.)
  • Organization and process model of planning and management of modern production
  • The place of the production management system in the digital landscape of an industrial enterprise
  • Implementation of the production management system and organization of project offices
  • Overview of the functionality of digital production management systems
  • Practical work in the production management system
  • Analysis of cases, implementation
Course duration - 3 days

The purpose of this course is to introduce the methodology of project management, review the main tools and modern information systems for project managemen

Course content:

  • Basic concepts of project management
    • Project lifecycle
    • Areas of expertise in project management
    • Project management process groups
  • Overview of the main specialized information systems
  • Implementation of the project management system and organization of project offices
  • Mastering the skills of working in project management software
  • Integration of the project management system with other IT systems of the enterprise
  • Configuration and administration
Course duration - 3 days

The purpose of this course is to acquire the skills to evaluate and justify investment projects for the modernization/restructuring of production

Course content:

  • Introduction to Investment design
    • Project development cycle
    • Optimal planning horizon
  • Financial modeling and design with Alt Invest
    • Basic program modules
    • Practice with program elements
  • Introduction to Investment design
  • Fundamentals of digital development of feasibility studies and business plans for projects of technological and organizational innovations
  • Fundamentals of digital development of feasibility studies, business plans and investment projects for the introduction of robotic systems