Training seminars and workshops are held online and at the educational center of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business at: St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya emb., 22.

For the most effective practical training, the IITB educational center is equipped with educational robotic complexes, collaborative robots, conveyors, unique innovative technological equipment, an educational robotic factory - a transformer stand, smart industrial security systems and technical vision, virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR / AR / MR), digital motion capture (MOCAP) and other advanced digital systems.

IITB teachers are PhDs, experienced trainers, consultants and practitioners, certified specialists and international experts. All training is conducted in English language. Group size - from 3 to 8 people.

The composition of the group is determined by the organizer of the training courses. Based on the results of the IITB educational programs, students receive international certificates.

For all additional questions regarding registration, detailed information about the conditions, participation in the educational programs of the Institute, etc., please contact the IITB staff at the specified phone number and e-mail.



Complexes of educational programs for advanced training of employees of enterprises

Feedback on our training courses

Vitaly Chistoedov, Design Engineer,
OOO Welding Group Samara.

«Thanks for the informative course! Thank you for your support and advice. I liked the course very much. He helped to organize the existing knowledge and understand something that was not previously encountered in the Visual Components software environment. The explanations of the material are given very consistently, understandably»

Marina Tikhonova, Polytechnic Institute,
Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise.

«A serious course that allows you to start using advanced and high-quality software for the design and visual presentation of production processes in various directions»

Daria Gorodnichina, Project Manager,
LLC "Prointegration".

«A very useful introductory course that gives an introduction to Visual Components and the main functions and capabilities of the program!»

Dmitry Chukholsky, Gen. director,
Robotics Engineer, RW Swiss Automation Sp. z o.o.

«Excellent refresher course in Visual Components! Previously, I worked in programs Roboguide, RobotStudio, Delmia, but after trying Visual Components, I was completely delighted. Thanks to the Concern R-Pro (IITB) for this course. The high level of organization and support should be noted separately. As a result, I was completely satisfied with the training, I received more from it than I expected, and I hope to start applying the acquired knowledge in the near future»

Maxim Tsvetkov, Project Manager,
LLC "Indutech".

«Thanks for the informative course! Thank you for your support and advice. I liked the course very much. He helped to organize the existing knowledge and understand something that was not previously encountered in the Visual Components software environment. The explanations of the material are given very consistently, understandably»