The opening of the program "School of Development and Engineering: Industrial Design" is going to start on December 2 by the order of the administration of St. Petersburg.

Год науки и технологий лого                         СПб лого

Cluster "Creonomyca" together with the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design are invited to the educational intensive of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business. During the program, participants will gain unique knowledge and practical skills in the field of Industry 4.0.

This program will contain an intensive course in the following disciplines:

  • Continuous improvement of operating processes in the economy of a new technological order.
  • Modern trends in industrial design of new industries in the paradigm of Industry 4.0.
  • Market overview of digital engineering and industrial design.
  • Management of innovative projects of digital engineering and industrial design.
  • Digital twins, industrial design, visualization, virtual, augmented and mixed reality as innovative tools for promoting solutions of Industry 4.0.
  • Basics of working with software for creating digital twins and industrial design - an introduction to work with technical documentation, CAD and BIM models, production planning design, engineering and organizational-technological design, simulation modeling and process optimization, complex preparation of modern production facilities, programming of industrial robots and other equipment, training and advanced training of production operators in the VR/AR/MR environment.
  • Basics of working with industrial robotics.
  • Fundamentals of working with collaborative robotics.
  • Programming industrial robotics, colloquium.
  • Basics of working with digital production control software.
  • Basics of business planning, feasibility study, and/or invest. projects in the field of Industry 4.0.
  • Fundamentals technologies for the promotion and sales of digital engineering projects, industrial design and implementation of industrial solutions.

The leading speakers of the educational intensive will be:

Джозеф М. Де Фео, Кораблев Юлдашева
Joseph De Feo,
Doctor of Science, MBB, MBA, Chairman of the Board, Juran Global
A. Korablev,
Academician of the Engineering Academy, Chairman of the Board of the Cluster "Creonomyca"
O. Yuldasheva,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
П.А. Смоленцев  Кораблева Литун
P. Smolentsev,
Commercial Director
KUKA Robitics,
Doctor of Economics, Professor of St. Petersburg State University,
Institute «Creonomyca»
V. Litun,
Concern R-Pro

The program also includes master classes and practical work with software for creating digital twins, digital engineering and industrial design, as well as 3 reference visits to innovative enterprises in St. Petersburg, work with robots, VR/AR/MR and digital motion capture systems (MOCAP).

Upon completion of the training, participants will receive a certificate of advanced training from IITB.











Industrial partners:

















News and Announcements

3 February 2022
Registration is open for the training "KUKA robotics basics" which will take place from 21 to 25, March 2022
3 February 2022
The course on the basics of industrial safety for the first combined group is completed.
29 December 2021
Dear friends and colleagues, we wish you a Happy New Year 2022 and Merry Christmas!